Written by Edgar Ibarra and John Edgar for The Reformed Presbyterian Witness.
Christ builds His church both by bringing new saints into existing congregations and by beginning new ones. What follows is an account, not of the whole process, but simply of the last few steps, of what has recently been accomplished in Las Vegas, Nev., RPC (LVRPC). After that is an account of the spring meeting of the Home Missions Board (HMB).
On July 9, 2021, Edgar Ibarra was ordained and installed by a commission of the Pacific Coast Presbytery as the church-planting pastor for the Las Vegas RP mission work.
Nearly two years later, on Apr. 16, 2023, the congregation elected Sean Holm and Colin Pearson to the office of ruling elder, and Nathan Bell and Andy Motdoch to the office of deacon. (Eventually, and to our loss, Sean Holm and his family moved to St. George, Utah.) All of the men went through extensive training for their respective offices for about 10 months. Each was required to read the Directory for Church Government and the Book of Discipline. In addition, four books were assigned to each that focused on their respective office.
On Mar. 19, Colin Pearson was examined and sustained to the office of ruling elder by the Temporary Governing Body (TGB) of Las Vegas RPC. On Mar. 24, the communicant members of Las Vegas RPC submitted a petition for the organization of a new congregation to the Pacific Coast Presbytery. On Apr. 5, Nathan Bell and Andy Motdoch were examined and sustained to the office of deacon. On Apr, 6, the presbytery issued an edict for the organization of LVRPC. The Pacific Coast Presbytery Commission included Pastors Ryan Hemphill, Johnathan Kruis, and Hsing Tang.
The HMB had scheduled to meet for their spring meeting in Las Vegas Apr. 23–24. An invitation was extended for HMB members to also partake in the ordination, installation, and organization service scheduled for Apr. 20 at the Spring Meadows PCA meeting place in Las Vegas. Pastors Joshua Smith and Ryan Hemphill were able to participate in the service from the HMB. Ryan Hemphill preached the sermon from Matthew 16:13–20 and reminded us that the church is built on the Word of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit. He encouraged us that Jesus Christ alone is the king and head of the church. He urged us never to forget these truths, especially when we are under spiritual assault, which will certainly happen if we are faithful to King Jesus.